Career Profile: CIO/TMP Worldwide Advertising & Communications

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Name: Michael Iacona Title/Employer: CIO & SVP/TMP Worldwide Advertising & Communications LLC. Age: 37 Education: Hofstra University (BS), Pace University (MS), Columbia Business School (MBA) Tenure in IT industry: 14 years First ever tech job: Computer programmer for Loews Corporation, NY. Current role: In my current role at TMP Worldwide Advertising & Communications, I oversee all technology initiatives for the company. These responsibilities range from the design and implementation of infrastructure and internal support, customer relationship management, billing, and workflow management systems to revenue generating product development and custom web development solutions for TMP clients. My career website. What's been your best job and why? My current position. I have been with TMP for six and a half years and each year comes with new challenges and new responsibilities.
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What do you think is the number one non-IT skill IT professionals need today? People skills (management/leadership). What do you credit your career success? I credit my career success to my education and great working experiences. Early in my career I had managers who were very good mentors and showed me what it takes to be a leader. I was also fortunate to get very good corporate experience (Loews and AT&T) early on. I had the opportunity to apply my education to relevant assignments during all of my experiences. "Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play." (Immanuel Kant,1724-1804) What are the top three skills a high-level IT manager needs today? People/management skills, communication skills and operational skills. What's your favorite IT resource site and why? from CNET. Mostly because it helps me keep up on the latest technology trends. What is the best career advice you've ever received? Do not be afraid to take on stretch assignments, where you may be exposed and failure is possible. If you play it safe all the time, odds are you might not get far. What's the top advice you'd give to a new IT staffer? Never stop learning and learn how to lead people. Build a great team, because without a great team, you won't go far. What would you advise someone looking to find the type of role you currently have? You have to enjoy what you do and should be prepared to bring high energy to the role. What is the one career decision you would change if you could? I truly believe my career is exactly where I want it to be at this time. This doesn't mean I am satisfied and doesn't mean I have always made good decisions. In fact as long as you learn from them, making some bad decisions can even help in your development. If you had the choice to jump into any other job, tech or non-tech, what would it be? COO and CEO appeal to me. Other recent articles from TechCareers Hiring Report: TMP Wants Career Focused Professionals Hiring Report: Mu Security Seeks Collaborative Security Experts
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