Three Resume Tips for Utilities Professionals

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Utilities

When you search for resume tips and tricks online, you'll discover that most of the tips you find aren't specifically related to your industry. While many general resume tips and tricks that you find online will still apply, you want a resume that stands out from the rest. Fortunately, there are a few resume preparation tips that can help you write an industry-specific resume that grabs the attention of potential employers.

After you've finished reading resume tips and tricks online, you need to prepare to write your resume. There are numerous resume preparation tips that discuss various types of resumes, but not all resume types are appropriate for people applying for positions in the utilities industry. Because most available jobs in the industry are skilled jobs, you need to choose either a functional resume—a resume that focuses on your skills and experience rather than your chronological work history—or a targeted resume—a resume that is customized to highlight your skills and experience most relevant to the specific position. Both of these resume types are ideal for people trying to get a job in the utilities industry because the focus is on your skills rather than your work history.

According to a recent article about resume tips and tricks, resumes should read like a fast, catchy advertisement of your skills and experience. There are numerous resume tips and tricks online that advise you to use different industry buzzwords throughout your resume, which most people think is a great idea because they want to write a catchy, advertisement-like resume, but this isn't a good option. Instead of using a lot of buzzwords in your resume, focus on listing the experience you have. You can scatter a few buzzwords throughout the resume if you're posting it online, but concentrate on your skills instead of keywords.

In addition to highlighting your work experience, you need to focus your resume on skills that make you different from other applicants. This is especially important if you're applying for a job that may have limited open positions and a lot of applicants. For example, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs for line installers in the electric field and positions in the gas and oil fields will increase slowly over the next five to seven years. This is because more people are qualified for these types of positions, and the amount of available positions depends on supply and demand. By highlighting skills that other applicants may not have, your chances of obtaining the job increase.

Whether you're applying for an environmental engineering position or a job installing electrical lines to homes, it's important that you create a resume that jumps out at hiring managers. By following a few resume tips and tricks, you can create a resume that showcases your experience and lands you job interviews.



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